การเปลี่ยนแปลงด้วยเครื่องมือทางนวัตกรรม เช่น Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas และนำมาประยุกต์ใช้ในการพัฒนาการให้บริการและการปฏิบัติงาน เมื่อวันที่ 9 พฤษภาคม 2565 ณ สำนักงาน ก.ล.ต.ในปีนี้มีผู้เข้า
. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the trading. During the period of 25 – 31 August
burden to investors, which could develop into an obstacle for accessing investment services and products in the capital market. SEC therefore is proposing the regulations on the use of a single form for
innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the trading. This case is in the process of
with the normal market conditions. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the
. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the trading. This case is in the process of
. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the trading. This case is in the process of
. Furthermore, these transactions misled other persons to into thinking that these securities were traded in significant volume and lured others to participate in the trading. This case is in the process of