& Fibers GmbH, Germany (“IRFG”); and certain Intellectual Property Rights of INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited with regards to its barrier technology. IVL would like to inform that all formalities with regards
R.L. DE C.V at Queretaro, Mexico and is a leading producer of durable technical textiles for industrial, tire reinforcement, and specialty applications globally. DuraFiber’s Queretaro plant in Mexico
fabrics and other highly specialized solutions in the field of technical textiles, with two manufacturing sites located in Germany and Mexico and with the annual capacity of approx. 12,000 Mts. The
Arteva Holdings GmbH; INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited; and INVISTA Equities, LLC, to acquire a 100% stake in the PET business of INVISTA Resins & Fibers GmbH, Germany (“IRFG”); and certain Intellectual
GmbH ในประเทศเยอรมนั (“IRFG”) และรวมถึงสิทธิในทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาบางส่วนของบริษัท INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited ที่เก่ียวกับเทคโนโลยี Barrier นัน้ บริษัทขอเรียนให้ทราบวา่การเข้าซือ้กิจการดงักลา่วได้ด า
. at Queretaro, Mexico and is a leading producer of durable technical textiles for industrial, tire reinforcement, and specialty applications globally. For further information you may refer to our
profiles. As mutual funds? features have become increasingly complicated, it is imperative that investors have clear and accurate understanding about the products and their associated risks. This is to help
procedure for establishment and management of mutual funds, the SEC plans to introduce an auto approval process for plain vanilla funds, which have no complicated features such as investment in derivatives
corporate bond business that is usually subject to high costs and time-consuming, complicated processes. The DLT platform can reduce costs and increase efficiency, transparency and competitiveness of
capital market are complicated and finding the evidence is difficult, especially electronic evidence which requires assistance from specialized agencies. Therefore, this cooperation between SEC and the