SYRIAN T49 TUNISIAN Z20 ZAMBIAN T10 TAIWANESE T50 TURK Z30 ZIMBABWEAN T51 TURKMEN Z99 OTHER COUNTRY Appendix E - Career Code List Code Description 000 บริษทัศูนยรั์บฝากฯ เพื่อผูฝ้าก 001 บริษทัไทยเอน็วีดี
T48 TRINIDADIAN Z10 ZAIREAN S87 SYRIAN T49 TUNISIAN Z20 ZAMBIAN T10 TAIWANESE T50 TURK Z30 ZIMBABWEAN T51 TURKMEN Z99 OTHER COUNTRY Appendix E - Career Code List Code Description 000 บริษัทศูนย์รับฝากฯ
SYRIAN T49 TUNISIAN Z20 ZAMBIAN T10 TAIWANESE T50 TURK Z30 ZIMBABWEAN T51 TURKMEN Z99 OTHER COUNTRY Appendix E - Career Code List Code Description 000 บริษัทศูนยรับฝากฯ เพ่ือผูฝาก 001 บริษัทไทยเอ็นวีดี
India after various refineries underwent their production upgrades to produce Diesel product that will coincide with new government regulations enforced in April 2017. Also, various Taiwanese and
, sourcing, or financial investments that do not cause or contribute to deforestation (AFi, 2019). Peatland: An area with or without vegetation with a naturally accumulated peat layer at the surface, while