. - Revenues from hotel operations in Q1/2019 amounted 88.15 million baht increased by 9.18 million baht or 11.62% from 78.97 million baht in Q1/2018 due to the opening of new hotel, MAVEN Stylish Hotel Bangkok
. - Revenues from hotel operations in Q2/2019 amounted 71.35 million baht increased by 8.98 million baht or 14.40% from 62.37 million baht in Q2/2018 due to the opening of new hotel, MAVEN Stylish Hotel Bangkok
baht in 2018 due to the opening of new hotel, MAVEN Stylish Hotel Bangkok. - Management fee income in 2019 amounted 87.93 million baht increased by 28.42 million baht or 47.76% from 59.51 million baht in
เห็นควรกําหนดอัตราสวน benchmark + 5% เชนเดิม เน่ืองจากการ replicate อาจมีขอจํากัดเพราะอาจใชวิธีเลือกลงทุนในหุน ที่เปนตัวแทนการลงทุนในหุนทั้งหมดตาม benchmark (stratified sampling) เพื่อลดคาใชจาย
replicate its success in the integrated PET segment going forward. 3. Fibers This segment includes all our offerings in the mobility (automotive and tires) domain, the personal hygiene domain and lifestyle