Bangkok, November 27, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revising rules governing the asset management companies? reporting requirement. The proposed revision focuses more on reporting
and investors. Once SET proposes revision to the free-float criteria and other measures, SEC will submit the guidelines for revising such criteria and measures to the SEC Board for consideration of
plain vanilla instruments. Concurrently, the SEC is proposing to amend the regulations concerning the process for revising the use of proceeds in accordance with the standard terms and conditions** and
and introducing provisions for Digital Infrastructure Main Operator; (2) Supervision of Securities and Derivatives Business Operators: revising regulations for major shareholders of business operators
Bangkok, October 31, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revising the rules to exempt independent directors? requirement of licensed derivatives advisors and authorized financial institutions
principle, which contain the following essences: 1. revising the PVD Act to address the growing demand for pooled funds: Employers and employees shall have a mutual agreement that allows employees
of intermediaries by revising the period of fee payment. The public hearing on the principles for amending the rules took place from 17 July to 20 August 2019. The proposed amendments have taken into
Bangkok, October 29, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revising the rules to exempt institutional clients of registered derivatives dealers and derivatives fund managers from doing the
SEC initiated the regulatory guillotine scheme with the key objectives of streamlining procedures, processes and documents required to be submitted to SEC and revising or repealing the existing