KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 24/06/2024 - 01/07/2024
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
BBL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 02/04/2024 - 09/04/2024
Global Asia ex-Japan Source: PRI Signatory Asset Class Distribution SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) 5 ESG in credit risk and ratings initiative Sovereign debt Sub-sovereign debt Muni bonds
Acquisition Stock 4.5966 0.459 5.0557 16/02/2023 4.654 0.459 5.1131 246023252302-1 KEX FLOURISH HARMONY HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED Chain principle Stock 0 52.14 52.14 02/09/2021 0 52.14 52.14 246013052109-1
▪ ESG engagement for fixed income investors ▪ ESG engagement for sovereign debt investors ▪ Getting started with collaborative engagement Develop a dedicated Stewardship Policy: ▪ Consistent with local
มา/ จำหน่าย (กลุ่ม) 2 % ได้มา/ จำหน่าย (กลุ่ม) 2 % หลัง ได้มา/ จำหน่าย (กลุ่ม) 2 หมายเหตุ 3 PDF หมายเลข KEX FLOURISH HARMONY HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED Chain principle Stock 0 52.14 52.14 02/09/2021 0
with the SEC directly in harmony with the requirements imposed on other types of bonds. The key points of the proposed amendments to the relevant regulations are as follows: (1) To streamline the