/ 2018 which Net Profit margin was decreased due to sales was decreased, however The company got effect from Thai Baht strengthen against US Dollar, got to drought impacts as a result material shortage and
shortage and provision for employee benefits from the new labor protection act. Please be informed Yours sincerely, (Ms. Sineemas Sotpiparpnukul) Chief Executive Officer Authorized Director
of sales was due to higher raw material prices as the cost of increased cultivating sweet corn, which is the main raw materia and inclement weather causing a shortage of sweet corn. Profit (Loss) Net
/ 2022, the reason for the increasing revenue was increased the domestics and export selling volume as a result of a shortage of sweet corn because in year 2022 Sweet corn which is company's main raw
: Proactive: forward-thinking and acting in advance in anticipation of possible challenges while being a firm and fair regulator as well as a friendly and visionary partner to all sectors, and initiating
and would be completed in the similar time periods. This caused work overload and shortage of skilled workers Q4/2018 and into Q1/2019, resulting on cost overrun. Discussion and Analysis of the Company
and would be completed in the similar time periods. This caused work overload and shortage of skilled workers Q4/2018 and into Q1/2019, resulting on cost overrun. Discussion and Analysis of the Company
started and would be completed in the similar time periods. This caused work overload and shortage of skilled workers Q4/2018 and into Q1/2019, resulting on cost overrun. And another reason is a one-time
represents increasing of loss 69 million Baht from Q2/2018’s profit of 7 million Baht. One reason for net loss is because of the work overload and shortage of skilled workers which started in Q1/2019 but with
, held on Tuesday 7 April 2020, acknowledged the announcement of the bidding winner of e-bidding for the water supply bidding projects in order to solve the problem of water shortage from the Provincial