Bangkok, October 22, 2009 ? The SEC announced at the press conference today the results of preliminary investigation on the dissemination of rumors that caused a sharp decline in SET Index last week
-to-market value of the company?s capital funds as a result of huge losses on its equity investment portfolio and high provisions for doubtful accounts of margin loans. SEC Secretary-General
(16%) Total non-current liabilities 2,474,751 1,379,894 79% Total liabilities 19,179,325 20,531,922 (7%) Liabilities and equity Equity Share capital Authorised share capital 48,775,744 48,775,744 0
income 2,108.6 2,106.6 0.1 1,685.8 25.1 5,991.8 5,397.6 11.0 Other operating expenses 738.1 759.1 (2.8) 681.4 8.3 2,228.5 2,052.4 8.6 Bad debts, doubtful accounts and impairment Loss 450.0 470.0 (4.3) 70.0
income 2,108.6 2,106.6 0.1 1,685.8 25.1 5,991.8 5,397.6 11.0 Other operating expenses 738.1 759.1 (2.8) 681.4 8.3 2,228.5 2,052.4 8.6 Bad debts, doubtful accounts and impairment Loss 450.0 470.0 (4.3) 70.0
position 30 September 31 December Liabilities and equity Note 2019 2018 + (-) % Equity Share capital 24 Authorised share capital 48,775,744 48,775,744 Issued and paid-up share capital 34,250,905 34,250,905
will determine guidelines for improving the auditor?s report in terms of opinions and notes. (2) Setting standard on provision for doubtful debts for consumer finance business. This aims at
The SEC ordered Circuit Electronic Industries PLC ("CIRKIT") to correct its allowance for doubtful accounts for the company quarterly financial statements of 2004. Such financial statements were
The SEC ordered Circuit Electronic Industries PLC ("CIRKIT") to correct its allowance for doubtful accounts for the company quarterly financial statements of 2004. Such financial statements were
Limited and its subsidiary for the first quarter ended 31 March 2018 represented a loss before the provision for doubtful accounts of Baht 3.72 million. Inclusive of the provision for doubtful accounts of