/202202/22012327.pdf 20230208-ADVANC-MDA-4Q22-EN , ICT Solutions, and Data Center) products with our flagship 5GNextGen Platform and CloudX to serve data sovereignty targeting 4 sectors; manufacturing
, ICT Solutions, and Data Center) products with our flagship 5GNextGen Platform and CloudX to serve data sovereignty targeting 4 sectors; manufacturing, retail, property, and transportation & logistics
เป้าหมายการเตบิโตในธรุกจิจากผลติภณัฑก์ลุม่ CCIID (Cloud, Cyber security, IoT, ICT Solutions, Data Center) พรอ้มกบั 5GNextGen Platform และ CloudX ทีร่องรบัอธปิไตยของขอ้มลู (Data Sovereignty) โดยเน้น บร
views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the