The Capital Market Supervisory Board’s meeting on 3 March 2020 approved in principle the inclusion of more asset classes eligible for use in the repo / reverse repo agreements between securities
ซื้อโดยมีสัญญาขายคืน (reverse repo) กับผู้ลงทุนที่ไม่ใช่ผู้ลงทุนสถาบัน เพื่อให้ บล. และผู้ลงทุนสามารถนำมาใช้เป็นเครื่องมือในการบริหารจัดการสภาพคล่องและใช้ประโยชน์จากหลักทรัพย์ที่ถือครองได้ โดย บล. ต้องมี
deemed a failure to perform duties responsibly, carefully and honestly in violation of Section 89/7 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1992 (SEA), which caused him or other persons to gain benefit and
without contacting or giving advice to a client. The suspension resulted from his failure to perform duties or not providing services honestly.Following a report on client's complaint filed by Siam
without double-checking the correctness of processing and confirming the redemption orders in violation of the tax terms.SEC found the three investment consultants to have failed to perform duties with
/06/2559 คำถาม: การออกและเสนอขายหุ้นกู้ที่มีอนุพันธ์แฝงที่มีลักษณะเป็น reverse equity link note ที่กำหนดให้ผู้ถือหุ้นกู้มีภาระต้องส่งมอบหุ้นแก่บริษัทที่ออก
Following an inspection report from Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited, a limited broker dealer and underwriter (LBDU) licensee, and the SEC’s further investigation, it was revealed that Pongsak had affixed signature on subscription orders, redemption orders and switch orders of investment units, in his position as investment consultant, without meeting with or giving advice to a client in any way. The SEC has considered that Pongsak’s misconduct of performing duties irresponsibly wit...
investment consultants above was deemed failure to perform duties with responsibility and deliberation as a professional in accordance with the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board.* SEC has