, JAS has not recognized any liabilities resulted from the Supreme Court decision, viewing that there is insufficient information to reliably estimate the additional liabilities. As JAS has not recognized
reliably estimate the additional liabilities.As JAS has not recognized any liabilities, its financial statements were not in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards. The SEC thus
, transfer or exchange of securities that would result in Thai investors gaining more possessions of NVDR; (2) In the case where a local securities company has a foreign securities company as a client, the
purchase, transfer or exchange of securities that would result in Thai investors gaining more possessions of NVDR; (2) In the case where a local securities company has a foreign securities company as a
are reliably and trustworthy, the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the principles for undertaking business as follows: (1) honesty, fairness and integrity An intermediary shall conduct
order that an intermediary obligates to operate its businesses properly, fairly and in compliance with codes of conduct and professional standards and in order that an intermediary’s services are reliably
intermediary obligates to operate its businesses properly, fairly and in compliance with codes of conduct and professional standards and in order that an intermediary’s services are reliably and trustworthy, the
availability of information on the assets and their prices that appropriately and reliably reflect fair values; 2. Investments in units of foreign funds: In cases where such foreign funds are in compliance with
prescribed for the businesses to be able to choose the accounting policy for property, plant and equipment valuation between the cost basis and the reappraisal basis, if the businesses can reliably valuate the
unable to perform REIT manager’s function under Chapter 2 efficiently and reliably, if the applicant obtain an approval to be a REIT manager. 4 Clause 12 In case an applicant is a company as specified in