SEC together with FETCO share a common view to enhance FETCO position to “The Capital Market Federation of Thailand” which would have legal status as a “juristic person” like other federations in
According to the information from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and SEC’s further investigation, it was found that from 25 July to 9 August 2017 (a total of 11 business days) Surin had been continuously trading PICO’s shares in his four securities trading accounts, that is, he submitted trading orders in a manner to drive up the share price by submitting a large number of trading orders. As a result, the price and trading volume of PICO’s shares were not in a normal market conditio...
Under the amendments, SEC has proposed to lift the limitations on unitholding which bar any person or any associated person from holding investment units in a mutual fund over one third of the
the final court decision for the offense under (11), regardless of whether the court has suspended the sentence, unless such person has been released from the penalty or has completed the suspension
11 April 2019, the National Council for Peace and Order (“NCPO”) has released the order NO. 4/2562 in subject of a measure to solve the problems of the operations of the Television and
increased by 93%. 2. Excess of compensation from returning digital television license increased of Baht 331.35 million due to on 11 April 2019, the National Council for Peace and Order (“NCPO”) has released
six NUSA directors, former directors, executives and associates for fraud and presenting false documents with DSI and reports the case to AMLO, released on 20 September 2024:
person on a case-by-case basis. Such specified period of time shall not exceed five years from the date when such person is released from such punishment under the judgment, or from the date when the
-by-case basis. Such specified period of time shall not exceed five years from the date when such person is released from such punishment under the judgment, or from the date when the Settlement
-by-case basis. Such specified period of time shall not exceed five years from the date when such person is released from such punishment under the judgment, or from the date when the Settlement