SEC is conducting a public hearing on the principle excluding promulgation of research analysis among investors in ASEAN countries from being regarded as the activity of investment consultant, in
GIFT disclosed the board of directors’ resolution and information about various transactions, such as the acquisition of a subsidiary of RS and a business unit of another RS subsidiary, which will be paid for in cash and GIFT newly issued shares. RS will seek a waiver for the mandatory tender offer through the shareholders’ resolution (whitewashing) at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting. Additionally, RS will purchase existing GIFT shares from a major shareholder by the name Mr. Sur...
Prescribing Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Securities Business of Investment Advisory Service
Prescribing Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Securities Business of Investment Advisory Service
Guideline on Consideration of Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Securities Business in Category of Investment Advisory Service
Prescribing Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Derivatives Business in the Category of Derivatives Advisor
. KorNor. 22/2552 Re: Determination of Investment Management not being regarded as Securities Business in the Category of Private Fund Management _____________ By virtue of Section 4 and Section 14 of the
. KorNor. 22/2552 Re: Determination of Investment Management not being regarded as Securities Business in the Category of Private Fund Management _____________ By virtue of Section 4 and Section 14 of the
. KorNor. 22/2552 Re: Determination of Investment Management not being regarded as Securities Business in the Category of Private Fund Management _____________ By virtue of Section 4 and Section 14 of the
hindrance. A public hearing on the proposed principles for the notification had been conducted during 21 September-21 October 2022. The SEC has taken into consideration the views and suggestions obtained