Virtual Power Plant (VPP) IFRS Sustainability Standards Capacity Building 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 | ท าความรูจ้กักบั มาตรฐานการเปิดเผยขอ้มลูดา้นความยัง่ยนื (IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOU11_filing & reduce fee 1 ก ก ! " 11 ก ก ก ก 11 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #11) ก,-./0-กก123ก3ก,/ ก456-7 ก 8-/ก9 ก 1,000,000,000 < (=0,) 3< ?2ก29 ก 0- @AกBก
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP5_filing & reduce fee 1 ก ก ! " 5 ก ก ก ก 5 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #5) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1=?-) 4= @3ก3: ก 1. ABกCก A4B
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP6_filing & reduce mgt fee + registrar fee_090911 1 ก ก ! " 6 ก ก ก ก 6 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #6) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1
BBL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 22/07/2019 - 05/08/2019
of listed companies, as well as other policy directions that would help reduce challenges to accessing capital sources and carrying out the responsibilities of listed companies. The goal is to ensure
BBL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 06/07/2017 - 27/07/2017
KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/09/2013 - 13/09/2013
KRUNG THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 22/06/2015 - 26/06/2015
On 22 September 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Board Meeting No. 10/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposed amendments to the regulations related to establishment and relocation of offices or branches of business operators in accordance with the Regulatory Guillotine to increase flexibility and streamline processes and operating burdens on the business sector. Essentially, the proposed amendments would: (1) apply the same auto approval principles for the establishment of...