independent financial advisor views that despite the reasonable objectives of the proposed acquisitions, NBC’s shareholders should not grant an approval because (1) the sale price of “Komchadluek” assets and
The rules on margin lending (margin account) which have been in effect since 1997 permit SC to lend money to its customer only for the purpose of purchasing listed securities on a condition that the customer must place cash or listed securities as initial margin with securities company . However, bonds or investment units are not permitted to be place with securities company as collateral to increase purchasing power. SEC therefore proposes the inclusion of additional securities classes for...
purchase price are reasonable and beneficial for the company and its shareholders and in compliance with reasonable conditions. In this regard, IFA is of the opinion that the acquisition is reasonable
may cause damage to the interests of the public. Additionally, there are reasonable grounds to believe that, unless the period of asset attachment is extended, the offenders would remove or dispose
resolution to approve a financial support transaction to be provided to its shareholder, G Steel Public Company Limited (“GSTEL”). The Company intends to provide the extending period for the previous loan
Meeting of G Steel Public Company Limited (“Company”) No.8/2017 held on September 22, 2017 has passed the resolution to approve financial support from G J Steel Public Company Limited (“GJS”) by extending
opinions on by the auditor of the mutual fund and certified by the management company, within fifteen business days as from the dissolution date of the mutual fund; Where it is necessary and reasonable, the
opinions on by the auditor of the mutual fund and certified by the management company, within fifteen business days as from the dissolution date of the mutual fund; Where it is necessary and reasonable, the
opinions on by the auditor of the mutual fund and certified by the management company, within fifteen business days as from the dissolution date of the mutual fund; Where it is necessary and reasonable, the