On 22 September 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Board Meeting No. 10/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposed amendments to the regulations related to establishment and relocation of offices or branches of business operators in accordance with the Regulatory Guillotine to increase flexibility and streamline processes and operating burdens on the business sector. Essentially, the proposed amendments would: (1) apply the same auto approval principles for the establishment of...
Excavation 3 Soil and Coal Milling Project at Mae Moh Mine, Contract No.6 decreased. Due to heavy rain in the project area, the operation could not be done at full capacity resulting in the loss from regular
quarter of 2017, customers were unable to install due to heavy rain and flooding. Delayed delivery and installation resulted in Q3 2017 performance as follows; - Decreased on sales from Baht 305.90M in
8.18 million since the Company expanded products to all Home Pro branches 1.2) Revenue from selling of electricity decrease THB 0.60 million or 1.23% due to the production decreased because of the rain
stemmed from the decrease in sugar prices and cost of production. Since the 1st quarter of 2017, the Company had been relocating its production lines of sauces and condiments to the new factory, such
install due to heavy rain and flooding. Make delivery and installation delayed. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Company has installed and delivered to the customers for installation and remaining 11
, and the office was relocated to support the expansion, resulting in cost of relocating and writing off existing office improvements. There was no such expense in this year, which made the Group's
cost from relocating some product from the old production line to the new one; 4) higher excise tax as well as sugar tax following the Excise Act, B.E. 2560, effective since 16 September 2017; 5) higher
performance of Boonterm kiosk with the ARPU management more than 5% of growth from 2017 and relocating the kiosks from the area that generate low income to the new area that generate higher income. As well as
number of kiosks, which the total of 129,208 kiosks covering all area nationwide. The Company's strategy continues to emphasize on efficient location and allocation strategies by relocating the kiosks from