popularly used in industrial plants, buildings with greater than 8 floor, mega structures (such as airports, department stores, auditoriums, etc.), and infrastructure projects including raceway systems for
Total 726.04 631.90 -94.14 -12.97 179.96 158.08 150.29 -7.79 -4.93 -29.67 -19.74 C on so lid at ed S ta te m en t N D R S ta te m en t Unit : Million Baht 2018 2019 Change (+/-) Q4/18 Q3/19 Q4/19 Change
n th e v a lid a tio n o f g e n e ra tin g n e w c o v e r p a g e a n d a d d e d d o c u m e n t sy m b o l o n c o v e r p a g e fo r b e tte r u n d e rsta n d in g . 5 . P .8 0 A d d re m a rk
bowl was without a lid and dated from the late Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350 - 1767). The design of curled leaves and vines was first seen on Benjarong at that time. This was the largest size in a set of