ผู้แนะนำการลงทุนตราสารซับซ้อนประเภท 2
ผู้แนะนำการลงทุนตราสารซับซ้อนประเภท 2
ผู้แนะนำการลงทุนตราสารซับซ้อนประเภท 2
ระบบติดตามสถานะของคำร้อง (CASE PROGRESS)
Regarding the case of More Return Public Company Limited (MORE) share price and/or volume manipulation during July-November 2022, in which the SEC had continuously endeavored to bring all of the offenders into the enforcement proceedings, criminal complaints were filed with the Economic Crime Suppression Division (ECD) of the Royal Thai Police on 10 February and 27 June 2023, with 18 and 32 offenders, respectively, The DSI has accepted the case as its special case and the SEC has reported the ca...
Further to requests via the media for the SEC to promptly announce the result of its investigation on SCIB-C1 case, the SEC would like to inform that presently, the investigation into SCIB-C1 case has not been completed yet and is still in the process of seeking detailed information from various securities companies and financial institutions. Besides, the information forwarded by the Stock Exchange of Thailand did not cover the securities trading on August 16, 2004. Expectedly, if compilation o...
Bangkok, January 29, 2010 ? The SEC and the Association of Securities Companies (ASCO) held its first quarterly meeting of the year to update progress in three major areas as follows: 1. Preparation
Bangkok, October 15, 2014 ? The SEC supported Thaipat Institute in announcement on progress level assessment of Thai listed companies? anti-corruption (anti-corruption progress indicator). The
Microsoft Word - ลำดับที่ 33_2_สธน26-45.doc (Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC
Microsoft Word - ลำดับที่ 34_39_สธน26-49.DOC (Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The