to take action against alleged insider trading of certain listed securities where a group of persons gained multi-million baht of benefits by purchasing such securities with information on change of
on the company?s Q1/2013 operating profit of 184.10 million baht. The profit marked significant increases of 182.47 percent from its Q1/2012 net loss of 223.23 million baht, and 145.60 percent from its
shares and warrants (UMS-W1) by using the company?s then undisclosed information concerning its operating performance for Q4/2008, in which the company posted substantial decrease in net profit due to
specific business of MODERN while attending the Board of Executive Directors meeting. Such inside information supported the prediction that the net profit of the second quarter of 2016 would drop
the information on the operating results of a specific business of MODERN while attending the Board of Executive Directors meeting. Such inside information supported the prediction that the net profit
Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the SEC's further investigation, Sarath, TOG Vice President, Business Planning and Finance, had access to the information that the net profit of the company had increased
2016 recorded a net profit of 221.45 million baht, a significant increase from the preceding quarter. Based on this inside information, Pinit had purchased 256,500 PDI shares through the trading account
profit in Q1/2009. The information was significantly different from the company's previous records showing profit in every quarter during the past three years (2007-2009) and thus considered material to
Facebook page Investment, profit : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 07/07/2023)
Facebook page Investment, profit : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 07/07/2023)