นางพรอนงค์ บุษราตระกูล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ได้รับเชิญเข้าร่วมเสวนาในหัวข้อ “How Thailand’s Capital market can adapt to the changing world” ภายใต้งาน
with the changing capital market landscape, SEC views it is appropriate to revise the fee for undertaking business of derivatives exchange. The consultation paper is available at https://www.sec.or.th
Champeeratana said: “The landscape of the Thai capital market is constantly changing and becoming more complex. SEC’s role is to lay out directions and policies adaptive to such change and in line with the
Forms and Procedures for Filing or Changing Information on Issuing Company Directors and Executives
covering risks and the detailed operation concerning the risk management. Clause 3 The securities clearing house shall procure adequate financial resources for potential risks arising from the operation of
procure adequate financial resources for covering potential risks arising from the operation of the derivatives clearing house, including credit risk and liquidity risk. The financial resources shall be
procure raw materials independently, while also independently selling and distributing their corresponding PTA and PET. The plant is the largest in North America with state of art technology and is a
securities company shall procure a source for borrowing securities in order to enable delivery of securities in the short sale items within the time period prescribed by the clearing house under the law on
securities for itself, a securities company shall procure a source for borrowing securities in order to enable delivery of securities in the short sale items within the time period prescribed by the clearing
securities via her nominee's securities account but failed to prepare and disclose report on changing in her holding (Form 59-2) to the SEC Office within the period specified in the notification of the