Information Technology of a Securities Company. 2. Segregation of Duties. 3. Physical Security. 4. Information and Network Security. 5. Change Management. 6. Backup and IT Contingency Plan. 7. Computer
of the Information Technology of a Securities Company. 2. Segregation of Duties. 3. Physical Security. 4. Information and Network Security. 5. Change Management. 6. Backup and IT Contingency Plan. 7
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Global and Thai Economy in the Third Quarter of 2019 1 1.2 Banking Industry and Competition 2 1.3 Significant Regulations and Rules related to Business Operations 2 2. Risk Management and Risk Factors 5
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the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of G Steel Public Company Limited, the Entering into Connected Transactions and the Specification of the Date of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting No. 2