Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 04/05/2005
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 19/05/2005
Committee has resolved to use temporary countermeasure (emergency measure) to collect AD collateral at 35.67% for cold-rolled galvanized steel products (GI Products) from China effective from 3rd August, 2020
forward. Due to continuing engagement by the Steel Associations with the Government Authorities, the Anti- Dumping Board Committee has resolved to use temporary countermeasure (emergency measure) to collect
2018 due to slowdown in Thailand economy. Meanwhile, imports of Hot Rolled Steel increased by 2% to 4.04 MT due to strengthening of THB and the effect of termination of enforcement of Safeguard Measure
, 0.94% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 3.60% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 28.46% CRC, 11.65% Galvanized, 9.23% TP & TF, 2.49% Other coated steel, 4.73% Other Flat Products, 2.09% Steel Consumption Q2
considered and validated KUB to be traded in the digital asset exchange by non-compliance with the Listing Rule approved by the SEC and disregard for the conflict of interest prevention measure. DAB Act S
in the digital asset exchange by non-compliance with the Listing Rule approved by the SEC and disregard for the conflict of interest prevention measure. DAB Act S.94 Settlement Committee Meeting No
trading in the digital asset exchange by non-compliance with the Listing Rule approved by the SEC and disregard for the conflict of interest prevention measure DAB Act S.94 Settlement Committee Meeting
digital asset exchange by non-compliance with the Listing Rule approved by the SEC and disregard for the conflict of interest prevention measure. DAB Act S.94 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 5/2022