) - สถานการณ์ในทางท่ีแย่ (Pessimistic; SSP3 RCP8.5) - สถานการณ์ในทางธุรกจิตามปกต ิ(BAU; SSP2 RCP8.5) • ตัวชี้วัดต่างๆ (Indicators) เช่น - ความเครียดน้ํา (Water Stress) - การแปรปรวนของฤดูกาล (Seasonal Variability
อ้มูลภำยในของลูกคำ้ดว้ย 2) สำมำรถใช ้Robot ในกำรใหบ้ริกำรแนะน ำ / วำงแผน กำรลงทุนไดห้รือไม่ ถำ้ไดมี้กำรควบคุมอยำ่งไร สำมำรถใช ้Robot ในกำรใหบ้ริกำรแนะน ำได ้ ทั้งน้ี ตอ้งเป็นไปตำม หลกัเกณฑท่ี์เก่ียวขอ้ง
information material to negative changes in the price of STARK's share to commit offense in using Miss Yosabavorn Amarit's securities trading account to sell STARK shares on February 2023 before STARK
;)) colluded with others used an inside information material to negative changes in the price of STARK's share to commit offense in using Miss Yosabavorn Amarit's securities trading account to sell
Miss Yosabavorn Amarit Miss Yosabavorn Amarit colluded with others used an inside information material to negative changes in the price of Stark Corporation Public Company Limited ("STARK"
Ms. Lapat-orn Gajaseni Ms. Lapat-orn Gajaseni aided or abetted Mrs. Chatkaew Gajaseni to sell PTG Energy Public Company Limited (PTG) stocks by using negative substantial inside information about
Mr. Sahadchai Gajaseni Mr. Sahadchai Gajaseni aided or abetted Mrs. Chatkaew Gajaseni to sell PTG Energy Public Company Limited (PTG) stocks by using negative substantial inside information about
Mr. Khemmapope Gajaseni Mr. Khemmapope Gajaseni aided or abetted Mrs. Chatkaew Gajaseni to sell PTG Energy Public Company Limited (PTG) stocks by using negative substantial inside information about
Mr. Tharathon Phiboonthammasak Mr. Tharathon Phiboonthammasak knew or possessed negative substantial inside information about PTG Energy Public Company Limited (PTG) Q3/2018 performance which would
account in such a way as to take advantage of other persons by using negative material non- public information concerning the fact that TIP had to increase its registered capital shares at the amount of 250