globally, so as to address persistent deficiencies in listed public interest entity audits. To achieve this goal, the AARG will ramp up its engagement with the Big-Four audit firms? leadership to address
available for all to use as a best practice guide and self-assessment tool to help Enterprises integrate impact management and the SDGs into decision-making. They are part of what will be a harmonized suite
from investment scams via various new forms and channels. In this regard, the SEC has observed a persistent trend of investment scams related to the capital market, with scammers often using online
continued to expand, it has still been affected by high levels of household debt as well as persistent low prices for agricultural products. The performance of the company in this quarter is still in line
:// The Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Expectations Ladder helps investors act on climate by providing a single, comprehensive framework for self
SHR’s hotels with same warmth and hospitality, but with assured safety and hygiene procedures, and most flexible booking terms possible. SHR also believes that tourists from domestic market will firstly
the debt restructuring measures for Persistent Debt (PD) customers. Finance Cost The Company recorded consolidated finance cost in 3Q/2024 of 600 million baht, in which increased by 17.4% year on year
enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts. With the world’s most comprehensive collection of self-reported data, the world’s economy looks to CDP as the
กำรผ่อนช ำระขัน้ต ่ำของบตัรเครดิต โดยก ำหนดใหย้งัคงอยู่ที่รอ้ยละ 8 ออกไปอีก 1 ปี และ มำตรกำรชว่ยเหลือลกูหนี ้Persistent Debt (PD) ใหส้ำมำรถปรบัโครงสรำ้งหนีไ้ดก้่อนกลำยเป็นหนีเ้สีย ต้นทนุทำงกำรเงนิ บร
% and 2%, respectively. Whereas, Q3/2018 was under a low season period with middling usage of automobiles and minuscule tourism outings, due to the persistent rainfall which lasted throughout the quarter