complement training by periodic, externally facilitated board evaluations. This adds credibility to what is an internal process, which should be dislosed to shareholders. Boards should put in place procedures
overcome this situation such as the adjusting caravan to mobility service center for repairing of the broken screen on mobile phone, shifting its marketing effort to provide caravans in both beach and
are shifting from on premise to on cloud. Revenue from Placement Service For the first 3 months of 2020, revenue from placement service has declined by 2.04 THB mn or 32.08% from the first 3 months of
to overcome this situation such as the adjusting caravan to mobility service center for repairing of the broken screen on mobile phone, shifting its marketing effort to provide caravans in both beach
million or 8.7%. Partly came from applying the Accounting Standard by shifting some of the expenses to costs of sale. - Financial costs increased by THB 7.34 million or 9.88% comparing to the same period of
average of crude palm oil price (CPO-DIT) in 2Q2020 was at 22.00 Baht/kg., climbed up by 4.79 Baht/ kg. or 28% compared to 2Q2019 owing to demand growth of biodiesel as mandatory diesel shifting from B7 to
หรือถูกศำลมีค ำส่ัง พิทักษ์ทรัพย์เด็ดขำดตำมกฎหมำยว่ำด้วยล้มละลำยนั้น ควำมจ ำเป็นท่ีผู้ลงทุนจะต้องได้รับข้อมูล สรุปผลกำรด ำเนินงำนตำมรอบระยะเวลำ (periodic reports) เพ่ือประกอบกำรตัดสินใจลงทุน น่ำจะน้อย
of the IT services provided to serve clients or to support critical activities; (5) require periodic reviews of the cloud provider such as the financial condition or the capacity planning, to ensure
of the IT services provided to serve clients or to support critical activities ; (5) require periodic reviews of the cloud provider such as the financial condition or the capacity planning, to ensure
governing the representation of the debt securities holders, as well as where the investors may obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as