which correspondent to the low level of Consumer Confidence Index, while household debt has steadily increased and anxiety for employment situation in the future, all these affected to the expenditure of
. However, people still have anxiety about the widespread of COVID-19 which affect the decision in going to the hospital, led to a significant decrease in regular patient traffic compared to the same period
2 assets, and the remaining 6 assets are in the divestment process. This year, we are still passionate about people development, which will be done through various training and promote a collaborative
will soon be disrupted faster, hence the Company needs to be agile. We are passionate about people development through training, workshop and culture reform. We promote a collaborative and innovative
รดงักล่าวอาจจะบรรเทาลงหากกิจการ สามารถระดมทุนจากผูล้งทุนในอีกประเภทหน่ึงซ่ึงมีความมัน่คงพอสมควรในดา้นสถานะทางการเงิน และมี ธรรมชาติท่ีพร้อมในการสนับสนุนทุนแก่กิจการเหล่านั้น (passionate risk taker
other practice guidelines to support continuity of operation. Division 6 Communications with relevant persons 6.1 To prevent and lessen anxiety of relevant persons and the public as well as to be able to
, companies should provide other practice guidelines to support continuity of operation. Division 6 Communications with relevant persons 6.1 To prevent and lessen anxiety of relevant persons and the public as
sectors, in particular tourism, manufacturing and exports. The situation eroded confidence of investors, leading to increased anxiety about a new round of economic crisis which prompted them to sell off
would allow them to promptly respond to these new developments. For example, competent auditors who are farsighted and passionate in their learning would be best equipped to adjust to any changes. Hence
the US which triggered anxiety among global investors, the worse-than-expected US economic figures, and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy perspectives, especially concerns over low US inflation