With reference to the disclosure made by Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (“IVL”) on July 19th, 2018 regarding the acquisition of 74% of the share capital of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging
Samaha for the acquisition of 74% of the share capital of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging Systems S.A.E., Egypt (“MEDCO”). MEDCO is the largest PET convertor in Egypt with market share of approx. 25
บริษัท อินโดรามา เวนเจอร์ส จ ากดั (มหาชน) (“บริษัท”) ได้มีการเปิดเผยสารสนเทศ เมื่อวนัท่ี 19 กรกฏาคม 2561 เก่ียวกับการเข้าซือ้กิจการในอตัราร้อยละ 74 ของทุนเรือนหุ้นของบริษัท Medco Plast for Packing and
วนัที่ 18 กรกฎาคม 2561 เพื่อเข้าซือ้กิจการใน อตัราร้อยละ 74 ของทนุเรือนหุ้นของบริษัท Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging Systems S.A.E. ประเทศอียิปต์ (“MEDCO”) MEDCO เป็นผู้แปรรูปผลติภณัฑ์ PET ทีใ่หญ่ที่
99.33 million from 2017. - Trade and other payables increased by Baht 30.24 million, the company's purchase of raw materials and packing materials for production to customers relative to the increase in
the company has repayment bill of exchange. - Trade and other payables increased Baht 33.57 million, the company's purchase of raw materials and packing materials for production to customers relative to
equivalents short term loan from financial institutions decreased due to the repayment of packing credit and short term loans- letter of credit that matured during the year, inventory increased from finished
packing materials for production to customers relative to the increase in revenues. - Liabilities under financial lease agreements decreased by Baht 139.24 million. The Company saw an increase in year-by
Baht 13.30 million, the company's purchase of raw materials and packing materials for production to customers relative to the increase in inventories. - Liabilities under financial lease agreements were
because its subsidiary already issued promissory note from the year 2021. - Trade and other payables increased by Baht 68.09 million, the company's purchase of raw materials and packing materials for