, respectively, The DSI has accepted the case as its special case and the SEC has reported the case to the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) for consideration and work coordination. Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon
Bangkok, January 29, 2010 ? The SEC and the Association of Securities Companies (ASCO) held its first quarterly meeting of the year to update progress in three major areas as follows: 1. Preparation
Bangkok, February 13, 2009 ? The Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) granted TSFC Securities Co., Ltd. (TSFC) another extension to work on out-of ?court rehabilitation plan until July 2009 but
the capital market must be attached to the audit firms which have a work system in accordance with the quality control standard. However, in the current structure of laws pertinent to the audit
ระบบติดตามสถานะของคำร้อง (CASE PROGRESS)
Further to requests via the media for the SEC to promptly announce the result of its investigation on SCIB-C1 case, the SEC would like to inform that presently, the investigation into SCIB-C1 case has not been completed yet and is still in the process of seeking detailed information from various securities companies and financial institutions. Besides, the information forwarded by the Stock Exchange of Thailand did not cover the securities trading on August 16, 2004. Expectedly, if compilation o...
Bangkok, October 15, 2014 ? The SEC supported Thaipat Institute in announcement on progress level assessment of Thai listed companies? anti-corruption (anti-corruption progress indicator). The
April 26, 2012.In addition, the SEC requires PAF to report through the SET ' s electronic system within April 26, 2012 the progress following the board of directors ' resolution on November 10, 2011
On 11 December 2019, the SEC Board passed a resolution approving ThaiBMA as a licensed securities depository under the regulatory sandbox project whereby blockchain technology is implemented to enhance the speed and efficiency of the trading process of corporate bond. Currently two companies have issued and offered corporate bonds for sale using the blockchain system of ThaiBMA, namely (1) Toyota Leasing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. offering corporate bonds exclusively to institutional investors...
The ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) welcomed the progress achieved by the ASEAN Green Bond Standards at its meeting today. Since its launch in November 2017, the ASEAN Green Bond Standards have