Bangkok, December 24, 2010 ? Positive outlook lies ahead for emerging markets as capital inflows are expected to continue next year, but financial institutions and business sectors should adopt prudent risk management scheme in preparation for internal and external challenges, said SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala in his speech at Thailand Smart Money 2010-2011 today.The US continued injection policy and the unresolved fiscal problems of certain European countries are seen as t...
once a week, featuring four important topics related to funding in the digital age presented by experts in the field, as follows: 1. Power of the Crowd: Overcoming COVID-19 Crisis with
/ 2024, overall revenue increased from the smartphone product group. The Apple product line, especially the Apple and Samsung brands, the company became an official distributor of Apple products last year
with brands and ran promotional activities on marketplaces like Shopee and Lazada in campaigns such as Double Date, Mid-Month, and Pay Day. Revenue from the smartphone segment has increased for both
with significant long-term growth potentials. Overcoming challenges, Nirvana underwent a reverse acquisition in January 2017 and it is now incorporated and listed in mai under NVD. The Company’s landed
2015, whereby Singha Estate invested in Nirvana, a mid-sized housing development company with significant long-term growth potentials. Overcoming challenges, Nirvana underwent a reverse acquisition in
ได้จากการขายและบริการเพิ่มข้ึน ช่องทำงจำกกำรขำยปลีกผ่ำนสำขำ เพิ่มขึ้นจ ำนวน 209.87 ล้ำนบำท บริษัทฯ ได้มีกำรวำงขำยสินค้ำ Smartphone ณ 30 มิถุนำยน 2567 มี Apple CE 71 สำขำ และ Android CE 97 สำขำ และกำร
branches. The company has launched smartphone sales, specifically Apple products. As of September 30, 2024, there were 74 Apple CE branches and 97 Android CE branches. In Q3 2024, the company launched
/2567 บริษัทฯ ได้มีกำรวำงขำยสินค้ำ Smartphone โดยเฉพำะ Apple ณ 30 กันยำยน 2567 มี Apple CE 74 สำขำ และ Android CE 97 สำขำ โดยในไตรมำส 3/2567 บริษัทฯ ได้เปิดตัว “Advice iStore” ที่จังหวัดพิจิตรและระยอง จ ำ
amount through Boonterm kiosk more than 20%, compared to 2017 Expanding new target of customer by launching E-wallet application on smartphone called “Be Wallet” with the target of over 200,000