Bangkok, April 2, 2015 ?The SEC and the Department of Business Development (DBD) of Ministry of Commerce have jointly promoted ?crowdfunding? as an alternative fundraising channel for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and startups. Crowdfunding will help widen access of those businesses to lower cost sources of finance, which will support their business strengths for the age of AEC and international connectivity. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said, ?In Thailand, SMEs accoun...
Bangkok, 14 August 2018 ? The SEC has announced selection process for next Secretary-General. Candidates must have qualifications and shall not possess any prohibited characteristics. The SEC Board's
Bangkok, December 15, 2014 ? The SEC has announced selection process for new Secretary-General. Candidates must have qualifications and shall not possess any prohibited characteristics. The SEC Board
the determination of knowledge and experiences of the persons qualified for the selection. The SEC Board has laid out the criteria for selecting persons to be appointed as SET director by the SEC Board
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 12/05/2022 - 23/05/2022
funds are advertised Biases as distortion in choice (figure 1 in FCA Occasional Paper no.1, 2013) Trigger (redemption) Facilities, rather than Trigger Funds is one option to foster investment discipline
liquidity. Selection criteria: Most active DW (highest turnover) Excess implied volatilities Implied volatilities calculated by using at-the-money option with time-to-expiration 3 months. Underlying: SET50
ผู้ประกันของกองทุนรวมมีประกัน underlying asset ซึ่งในที่นี้คือหน่วยลงทุนในจำนวนที่เท่ากับ (1 – option delta) คูณ current value ของ underlying asset และทำการ short zero-coupon bond มี่มีอายุคงเหลือ
performance Strategic Allocation Policy Tactical Asset Allocation Policy Investment performance Strategic Allocation Policy Tactical Asset Allocation Policy Strategic Allocation Policy Security Selection P as
นุนใหส้มำชิก PVD (“สมำชิก”) เลือกแผนกำรลงทุนไดด้ว้ยตนเอง (employee’s choice) รวมถึงเปิดให้ PVD สำมำรถลงทุนในทรัพยสิ์น ท่ีจะสำมำรถสร้ำงผลตอบแทนโดยยงัคงจ ำกดัควำมเส่ียงใหอ้ยูใ่นระดบัท่ีเหมำะสม อยำ่งไรก็ดี