, before extraordinary items 192 798 (76)% (13) 34 51 (125)% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) (23) 21 (207)% (34) (7) 18 (288)% Acquisition cost and pre-operative expense, (26) (35) (26
disposal of assets” in the statement of comprehensive income on the Baht 6.81 million Total Revenues. On June 15, 2016, the Companies entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of
revenues from sales and lower expense: details as follow. On June 15, 2016, the Companies entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of a subsidiary company together with 4 plots
export value accounted for additional of Baht 3.2 million On June 15, 2016, the Companies entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of a subsidiary company together with 4 plots
competitive prices and higher export value. On June 15, 2016, the Company entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of a subsidiary company together with 4 plots of the Company’s
Company entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of a subsidiary company together with 4 plots of the Company’s land for Baht 166.54 million. In March 21, 2017, the Group had
11.33% for the same period in 2017 due to the lower production cost. On June 15, 2016, the Company entered into a land sale agreement for 1 plot of non-operational land of a subsidiary company together
non-operational land of a subsidiary company together with 4 plots of the Company’s land for Baht 166.54 million. In December 2016, the buyer submitted a letter requesting for the extension of the time
statements / information For the year ended for.............quarter ended Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm ( Financial statements audit ( Financial statements / information review · 1 . Unmodified
Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm Financial statements audit Financial statements / information review 1. Unmodified opinion 2. Qualified opinion due to (can choose more than one): ฆ 2.1