/> วันที่ตอบ : 26/04/2559 คำถาม : 1. ผู้ชำระบัญชีสามารถแบ่งทรัพย์สินของกองทุนรวม (pay in kind) ให้แก่ผู้ถือหน่วยลงทุน โดยไม่ต้องจำหน่ายและ
> 22/04/59 วันที่ตอบ : 26/04/59 คำถาม : ผู้ชำระบัญชีสามารถแบ่งทรัพย์สินของกองทุนรวม (pay in kind) ให้แก่ผู้ถือหน่วย
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
its operational life 4. Assess the resilience benefits of the infrastructure and ensure it does no harm to the resilience of the defined system it operates within 5. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation
, how does the firm inform its personnel or what kind of process that the firm use to ensure that its staff evaluate clients risk? 5 Regarding integrity checks does the firm’s conduct, for example
and continuance of client policies and procedures? If yes, mode of communication. If no, how does the firm inform its personnel or what kind of process that the firm use to ensure that its staff
Related transaction Evaluation report of the internal control system by Internal Auditor (IA) Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) Events and factors substantially affecting the operation or financial