suitability test as well as videos, to create joyful learning experiences. In the future, a variety of activities will be organized including contemporary exhibition on new development in the capital market.
founders and major shareholders were all in favor of disposing QI to Continental. This transaction is at arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. Please be
arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. This disposal of asset transaction is not considered as material transaction, as the highest value of
Royal Joint Venture Company Limited, which sells arms, aircraft, warships, including spare parts Radar and signaling devices of said items to government agencies, juristic persons and individuals. The
Forth Royal Joint Venture Company Limited, which sells arms, aircraft, warships, including spare parts Radar and signaling devices of said items to government agencies, juristic persons and individuals
manufacturers of automotive components such as steering knuckles, brake discs, brake drums, brake caliper, axel arms, and brackets for original equipment manufacturers (“OEM”) such as General Motors, Continental
, brake discs, brake drums, brake drums, brake caliper, axel arms, and brackets for original equipment manufacturers (“OEM”) such as General Motors, Continental AG, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Iljin
, axel arms, and brackets for original equipment manufacturers (“OEM”) such as General Motors, Continental AG, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Iljin Automotive Private Limited, and Ford. Name Sakthi Global
ไดคํานึงถึงประโยชน สูงสุดของบรษัิทเปนสําคัญและพิจารณาโดยถือเสมือนเปนรายการที่กระทํากับบคุคลภายนอก (on arms’ length basis) ใชหรือไม ใช ไมใช ไมมีกรณีดังกลาว 3.6 ในกรณีที่ไดมกีารอนุมัติธุรกรรม
at arms’ length) being applied to those transactions conducted with unconnected outside business parties or persons. The necessity and rationale for entering into transactions with parties with