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The ASEAN CIS Framework is an initiative under the regional capital markets integration plan endorsed by the ASEAN Finance Ministers in 2009 to facilitate cross-border product access and fund distribution for investors and issuers respectively. The framework enables fund managers operating in a member jurisdiction to offer a CIS constituted and authorised in that jurisdiction to retail investors in other member jurisdictions under a streamlined authorisation process. The Supplemental MoU t...
needed for its business model. This approach could support future entry of all types of securities businesses and increase the number of intermediaries who could render more convenient services to
Acquisition of Asset and the Entry into Connected Transactions (Revised) 10/09/2021 20:07 The Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 7/2021 regarding Approval for the Acquisition of Asset and the
). Time-varying rare disaster risk and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 101(2), 313–332. Bernanke, B. S. (1983). Irreversibility, uncertainty, and cyclical investment. The Quarterly Journal of
Government Bond Which Deemed as the Connected Transaction 27/07/2021 17:07 Notification of Board of Directors' Resolution Regarding Entry into Acquisition of Assets from S.W. & Sons Co.,Ltd.(Revised) 16/07
Having Women on Boards Create Value? The Impact of Societal Perceptions and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets. SSRN Electronic Journal. Published. Adams, R. B
in such company 25/08/2021 18:17 Notification of the entering into the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement with Major Cineplex Group Company Limited and the Group of Shareholders 27/07/2021 17:00 Entry
Entering into the Connected Transaction (Revised) 17/09/2020 08:13 Notification of the Entry into the Connected Transaction Remark: Data will be displayed within 3 years. Last updated on 19 January 2023
day. References Acock, A.C. (2013), Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata, Stata Press, Texas. Anderson, K. and Brooks, C. (2006), “Decomposing the price-earnings ratio”, Journal of Asset