, High interest rate lending, Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Military, Nuclear power, Pornography, Reproductive medicine, Tar sands and oil shale, and Tobacco. 6 VE scale of assessment: Isolated / Occasional
and facilities. Most importantly, we remain steadfast in our commitment to help communities, farmers, SME’s, and the Thai people in order to allow Thailand to move forward stably and pass through the
Aside from the steadfast endeavor to enhance the quality of audit, the SEC promoted the insight and understanding of the CFOs and audit committees of listed companies about the issues concerning the
station to pilot a project that bid purchase electricity with blockchain technology in a Smart Isolated Microgrid to serve buildings and retail outlets within the area to purchase low cost electricity en
markets do appear to be making above average progress in developing region-specific green taxonomies (e.g. Malaysia, Bangladesh, Singapore, China). Social issues are less commonly isolated in ESG
ี Blockchain ในระบบผลติไฟฟ้ำแบบไม่เชื่อมต่อกบัสำยส่งกำรไฟฟ้ำ (Smart Isolated Microgrid) เพื่อให้อำคำรและ รำ้นคำ้ทีอ่ยู่ในพืน้ทีส่ำมำรถซือ้ขำยเพื่อใชไ้ฟฟ้ำในตน้ทุนทีต่ ่ำไดป้รมิำณมำกทีส่ดุ o บรษิทัฯ โดย BCPR Pte