station to pilot a project that bid purchase electricity with blockchain technology in a Smart Isolated Microgrid to serve buildings and retail outlets within the area to purchase low cost electricity en
ี Blockchain ในระบบผลติไฟฟ้ำแบบไม่เชื่อมต่อกบัสำยส่งกำรไฟฟ้ำ (Smart Isolated Microgrid) เพื่อให้อำคำรและ รำ้นคำ้ทีอ่ยู่ในพืน้ทีส่ำมำรถซือ้ขำยเพื่อใชไ้ฟฟ้ำในตน้ทุนทีต่ ่ำไดป้รมิำณมำกทีส่ดุ o บรษิทัฯ โดย BCPR Pte
Agricultural Cooperatives, the Department of Skill Development, professors from the College of Asian Scholars, and SEC volunteer trainers. The training was held at Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel from 14-16
(life skill) ด้านการจัดการและบริหารการเงินของตัวเองให้ดีขึ้นจากเดิม รวมถึงเผยเคล็ดลับการออมและการลงทุนที่เหมาะสมกับคนรุ่นใหม่ เมื่อวันที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน 2564ทั้งนี้ ผู้ที่สนใจสามารถรับชมการสัมมนาย้อนหลังผ่าน
youngsters’ knowledge on savings and financial disciplines and cultivate a personal finance ability as a life skill, starting from young ages to grow a strong saving habit in adulthood.
institutes. In addition, SEC is collaborating with Thailand Securities Institute (TSI) in promoting alternative approaches to delivering knowledge and skill training courses to trainees anytime, anywhere
its business with honesty, fairness and integrity by strongly being concerned about the market integrity as a whole; (2) skill, care and diligence An intermediary shall conduct its business with due
with honesty, fairness and integrity by strongly being concerned about the market integrity as a whole; (2) skill, care and diligence An intermediary shall conduct its business with due skill, care and
integrity by strongly being concerned about the market integrity as a whole; (2) skill, care and diligence An intermediary shall conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence; 2 (3) management and
From July to September 2023, business operators showed interest in joining the project and submitted activity reports on the promotion of financial knowledge, understanding, and skill development