system. Different working teams are assigned to work remotely to mitigate operational risk and ensure that the operations and the services to the public will continue without interruption,” said Ms
amounting to Baht 28.45 million or 39.39 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 106.76 million or 16.72 % due to revenue from general patient increased. And
% because of the follow main reasons. 1. Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 52.43 million or 8.94 % due to in Q3/2018 the revenue from general patient increased. 2. Cost of hospital operations
from hospital operations decreased by Baht 2.31 million or 0.39% due to in q3/2016 subsidiaries received the revenue from Social security scheme while in q3/2017 the revenue from general patient
according to the Service Level Agreement; 3) Rectifying the work system for supporting the Business Continuity Plan to cover the case of trading interruption in consistent with the current business
also increased by 2 0 .8 %. The number of both in-patient and out-paient were increased by 16.3%, also, revenue from out- patient and in-patient were increased by 14.7% and 31.5%. Cost of medical
insurance for properties damaged and business interruption. However, the export sales grew significantly and help overall beverages sales. Food business Despite of overall Thailand economic in this quarter
reasons: Unit: Million Baht - The General Patient revenue for Q1/2019 were Baht 1,396.6 million which increased from Q1/2018 by Baht 192.3 million or 16.0% as a result of constantly growing of the existing
amounting to Baht 25.47 million or 56.44 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 31.06 million or 5.58 % due to in Q1/2019 the revenue from general patient
: Unit: Million Baht Revenue Structure Q2/2019 Q2/2018 Change General Patient Revenue 1,384.2 1,284.6 99.6 7.8% Social Security Scheme Revenue 752.8 633.3 119.5 18.9% Other Revenue 30.0 27.3 2.7 9.9% Total