According to a client’s complaint and the SEC’s further investigation, it was found that during December 2007 – September 2012, executed securities trading orders for the client who acknowledged such orders, paid the subscription money and accepted redemption money without making any objection. The total accumulated trading value was more than 800 million baht. The misconduct above led to the consideration that {A} failed to perform his duties responsibly with professional due care when he acc...
According to a referral from MBKET and SEC’s further inspection, during May 2016 – December 2018, {A} executed trading orders of securities and derivatives for a client in the following manners: (1) using her personal mobile phone, together with the username and the password she had created, to execute trading transactions via the Internet, and (2) making trading orders via MBKET’s trading execution program. She also transferred her own money into the client’s trading account as a collater...
system. Different working teams are assigned to work remotely to mitigate operational risk and ensure that the operations and the services to the public will continue without interruption,” said Ms
according to the Service Level Agreement; 3) Rectifying the work system for supporting the Business Continuity Plan to cover the case of trading interruption in consistent with the current business
insurance for properties damaged and business interruption. However, the export sales grew significantly and help overall beverages sales. Food business Despite of overall Thailand economic in this quarter
being informed of the correct information. For those who have already subscribed shares, if intend to cancel the subscription, can contact the securities firms accepting their subscription forms by
regulation would prohibit digital asset business operators from: (1) Accepting deposits of digital assets from the customers and lending, investing, staking or employing such digital assets; (2) Accepting
UHT production line, which was fully covered by insurance for properties damaged and business interruption. The export sales continued to grow significantly, which helped overall beverages sales. Food
for not less than three years and must not appoint any sub-selling agents;2.2 The selling agent can only perform the functions of (1) accepting account opening applications, (2) giving clients
operation will run, and the services to the public will continue, without interruption. SEC ascertains that investors and the public will continue to receive securities trading services and other related