Bangkok, 31 January 2019 - The SEC has suspended approval for {A} as a securities investment consultant for one month on the ground of giving information or investment advice incompletely or incorrectly, and failing to disclose material information to support an investor's decision making.Following a client complaint, the SEC made further investigation and found that in May 2016 {A}, then working for RHB Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited, advised the client to buy shares of a company,...
Bangkok, January 7, 2015 - The SEC suspended {A}, a capital market investment consultant of Kasikorn Securities PLC., for failure to keep complete record of the derivatives trading orders.From a
Association of Securities Companies (ASCO) agree that such research should contain complete, useful information for investors to make sound judgments. Thus, ASCO members are asked to provide such material
. Essentially, the primary existing regulations on IPOs which have come into force since late 2016 would remain intact, while certain provisions would be added or revised for more efficient supervision. For
qualification requirements intact and adjust the licensing fee structure to prevent overburdens to business operators.Essentially, this approach would allow an applicant to apply for a package of licenses at one
generate further savings – all in all with an inevitable lower sales volume, but also lower cost base, we expect the per unit EBITDA generation to remain intact in 2020, and as from 2021 onwards we expect to
protection remains intact while business operators still have convenience for business operation. The SEC has therefore reviewed the regulations on work systems of securities brokers and repealed two
corporations depending on their inherent technology risk, which varies in terms of nature of business, organizational structure, business size and complexity of the utilized technology. In addition, the scope of
– “CRAF”) ซึ่งเมื่อผู้ประกอบธุรกิจประเมินตนเองแล้ว จะช่วยให้ทราบความเสี่ยงด้านไซเบอร์ที่เกิดจากลักษณะการประกอบธุรกิจของตนเอง (inherent risk) และผู้ประกอบธุรกิจมีระบบงานที่ช่วยควบคุม
synergy benefit of ~20 $M with cost optimizations. Integrated EO profitability were impacted due to poor oilfield demand and slowdown in construction sector though margins remain intact. Poor Gasoline