relating to redemption, amortization, and retirement of the debt securities. 2. Indicate whether the debt securities are registered or bearer securities, the total nominal amount of the debt securities as
its affiliates to indicate whether a conflict exists between its interest as the representative of the debt securities holders and any other interest that it may have. 3. Disclose whether there is any
of the debt securities. 2. Indicate whether the debt securities are registered or bearer securities, the total nominal amount of the debt securities as well as the individual face value of each type of
SEC has applied the principles for regulatory reform to revising governing mutual fund regulations in order to ensure that these rules are reasonable, practical and less burdensome for the
decline to zero at the end of the contract term and give the contract end date. A symbol must be added after the securities abbreviation to indicate that they are leasehold funds.Regarding the disclosure
equity to prevent loan concentration risks; and (4) Burdensome requirements such as the reporting of SBL objectives and the prohibition of SBL for the purpose of tender offering shall be repealed
profiles] phanchul Typewriter [Indicate the status, at least one] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more description] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more
complete supplementary documents. The SEC therefore submitted to the DSI a letter giving information and asking for any information that could indicate otherwise. In this regard, the SEC has also asked the
requested. The survey results indicate top-three findings in the audits of public companies in the areas of fair value measurements, internal control testing, and engagement quality control reviews
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (แบบ 69-DEBT-SP-1) บริษัท .......... (ชื่อไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง) ใหระบุขอมูลในหนาปกอยางนอย ดังตอไปน้ี 1. ลักษณะที่สําคัญของหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (“หุนกู”) ท่ีจะออกภายใตโครงการน้ี ดังน้ี (1) ชื่อหุนกูตามโครงการ (2) ประเภทผูลงทุนที่เสนอขาย (3) ลักษณะสําคัญของหุนกู (4) ปจจัยอางอิง (5) มูลคาการเสนอขายตามโครงการ ทั้งนี้ ตองไมเกินมูลคาตามมติท่ีไดรับใหออกหุนกู (6) มูลคาไถถอนของหุนกู (7) อันดับควา...