spaces and improved occupancy rates when compared to Q1/2019, despite the temporary closure of The Walk and Little Walk since 22 March 2020 like Index Living Mall, while some tenants were allowed to open
1 2017 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Executive Summary In 2017, mobile business improved from stronger 4G positioning amidst competitive environment. Competitive landscape remained challenging in
improvement as planned, following the improved product mix with an increased sales proportion of higher profit margin products. In 9M/2019, the Company has opened several new stores, including Index Living
) was Bt32,455mn, +6.0% YoY and +0.9% QoQ, resulting in YTD growth of 5.5%. Increasing 4G penetration (42%) and data usage (5.9GB/data sub/month) improved mobile revenue to stand at Bt31,569mn, +3.9% YoY
more than its target, which reflected in 2019 gross margin increase by 250 bps YoY to 34.9%. Q4’19 Gross margin was slightly improved 50 bps YoY and recorded at 35.0%, despite the impact of new sugar tax
. After 5G consumer service had been launched in 4Q20, the operators were focusing on providing superior 5G service quality and coverage to capture high value segment and uplift ARPU. 5G adoption during
from the store closure. However, gross profit margin increased YoY supported by the improved product mix with a higher proportion of sales from higher profit margin products. Gross profit from rental
from rental and rendering of services from new rental spaces and improved occupancy rates, and decreased selling and distribution expenses from improved cost management • Operating revenue increased by
Products to Capture Changing Consumers Demands In Q2/2022, the Company has continued to launch new and unique products, both by developing new differentiated products with business partners such as the
, decreasing -1.9% YoY. For FY22, AIS expects to grow mid-single digit of core service revenue underpinned by all business segments. We target to strengthen our 5G service to capture high-value segment. FBB aims