The SEC Strategic Plan 2024–2026 prioritizes the strengthening of Thai capital market trust and highlighting the critical significance of investor confidence in cultivating a robust capital market that serves as a channel for fundraising of businesses and investment for investors. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve sustainable development, reduce inequalities. Recognizing the importance of complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to...
* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
TCFD Disclosure and Climate Risk Sam Cheung Investor Account Manager OUTLINE Overview of the TCFD Climate-related risks and its characteristics Leveraging CDP to improve TCFD alignment Resources 2
support decision-makers in their efforts to improve corporate governance in the region. The Asian Roundtable offers (i) evidence-based comparative policy analysis and advice in order to advance
uncertainty of US economic policy. But, the global economy trend as continued to improve. Thai economy is growing as slowly which the tourism and exports were driving force in past time. Including, the income
information on revenues from advisory services for related persons, even though certain information indicated that the revenue may not exist. Such revenue, if not exist, will bring down the company's recorded
of Good Corporate Governance for listed companies, and a new banking act and supporting regulation to improve bank corporate governance. The amendments to the SEA included clearer duties for directors
mining property rights over the two mines truly exist, (2) report the re-assessment results of the fair value of the mining property rights, and (3) disclose all clarifications via the SET Information
grill, boiler and sandwich machines, as well as preventive maintenance (PM) of the exist customers. These resulted in a significant increase in revenue in this business segment. Management's Discussion
to (1) clarify whether the mining property rights over the two mines truly exist, (2) report the re-assessment results of the fair value of the mining property rights, and (3) disclose all