disclose the information having the content identical to the fund project and the latest draft prospectus to the investors via the Office’s electronic transmission https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/5883pe.doc
existing agreement. The agreement has upon contract extension for the duration with the identical term and condition. The 1 year agreement will be automatically extended unless the objection from either side
. The agreement has upon contract extension for the duration with the identical term and condition. The 1 year agreement will be automatically extended unless the objection from either side. Total value
agreement. The agreement has upon contract extension for the duration with the identical term and condition. The 1 year agreement will be automatically extended unless the objection from either side. Total
of identical written form and one of which shall be given to clients as evidence. In cases where the service contract of securities registrar is lost or damaged and clients request the securities
) ..................................... ............................... .............................................. (5) ..................................... ............................... .............................................. (Information must be accurate and identical to the information notified to the
) ..................................... ............................... .............................................. (5) ..................................... ............................... .............................................. (Information must be accurate and identical to the information notified to the
accurate and identical to the information the issuer of foreign securities has disclosed to the foreign regulator or the foreign stock exchange. Clause 13 The ordinary shares that are traded on the foreign
documents are identical to those certified by me, I have authorized ____[FULL NAME]______to affix signature on every page of the documents. Any part of the documents not affixed with the signature of
draft prospectus, including other documents and evidence with the Office; (2) to review and comprehend the information regarding the issuer of securities and other relevant information and take actions to