จากการแปลงค่างบการเงินจากค่าเงินบาทที่แข็งขึน้ก็ตาม ประกอบกบัรายได้จาก Elite Heaven ที่บริษัทเข้าลงทนุไปเมื่อไตรมาส 3 ธุรกิจโรงแรมที่ลงทุนเอง หมายเหต:ุ ข้อมูลทางสถิติไม่รวมโรงแรมดสิุตปร๊ินเซส โคราช
ยใหญ (ultimate parent company) 16 ข. ลูกคาเปนกองทุน หรือเปนผูรับฝากทรัพยสิน (custodian) หรือเปน นิติบุคคลที่จัดตั้งขึ้นในประเทศที่ใหสิทธิพิเศษทางภาษี (tax heaven) หรือประเทศที่ไมใหความรวม มือ
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its
. Zait Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its
. Zait Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its
Pattanamas, proceeded GGC to purchase raw materials and pay the distributors for the purchase in full without receiving all of the raw materials or receiving only part of it. However, GGC recorded in its