List of head of Compliance Please wait... List of head of Compliance No. Company Name Commencement Date Securities Company Asset Management Company Investment Advisory Company Derivatives Brokerage
หรือไม่ 1. ปฏิบัติตามประกาศ ทธ.39/2555 ในส่วนที่เกี่ยวกับการแต่งตั้ง Head of Compliance รายใหม่ 2. หากต้องปฏิบัติตามข้อ 1. จะสามารถขอผ่อนผันระยะเวลาการแต่ง
;">ที่ กลต.กธ. (ว) 21/2555 เรื่อง การแจ้งแต่งตั้งและสิ้นสุดการแต่งตั้ง Head of compliance ตามที่สำนักงานได้นำส่งประกาศคณะกรรมการกำกับตลาดทุน ที่ ทธ. 39/2555 เรื่อง การจัดการให้มีหน่วย
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'