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Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) Toolkits to support business towards achieving the SDGs Human Rights Due Diligence Handbook for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Human Rights Due Diligence Training Facility
Qualifying CIS Operator (as per Appendix I of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs) [ ] 3* ASEAN CIS Application Form (as per Appendix II of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs) [ ] 4
to a Qualifying CIS Operator (as per Appendix I of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs) [ ] 3* ASEAN CIS Application Form (as per Appendix II of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs
With a view to promoting listed company directors and management to perform their duties honestly and for companies? best interest, the SEC introduced a ?Director?s Handbook? to build up better
million compare with performance for the prior year appear as comprehensive operating net Profit of the Company THB 122.62 million, decrease in Profit from the prior year THB 118.61 million, due to the
?the SEC introduces ?Guidelines for shareholders? meeting?, a handbook written to provide guidelines on how to cast their votes, identify red flags and ask questions, contributing for shareholders to
: 1. Sales Revenue 1.1 Sales revenue for the 3-months period ended 31 October 2019 For the 3-months period ended 31 October 2019, INGRS registered sales revenue of Baht 695.34 million, a decrease by
performance of the Group Unit: Million Baht 2019 2018 Increase (decrease) Variance (%) Total revenues 6,797 8,080 (1,283) (16%) Net profit 331 526 (195) (37%) The Group’s total revenues for 2019 amounted Baht
decrease of 87.66 million Baht from the same quarter last year which was equal to 165.55 million Baht, representing a decrease of 52.95 percent, of which the total decrease in revenue mainly came from sales