SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said “As of the 2nd quarter of the year 2018, the PVD had been continuously growing, as the number of employers had increased by 788 to a total of 17,866
oil price, which is a substitute raw material compared to growing of crude palm oil price. In contrast, market P2F of natural fatty alcohols in FY2019 was at 507 USD/ton, improved by 8% from FY2018
by rising of its output while demand of crude palm kernel oil for edible oils and oleo chemicals was not growing that much. Natural fatty alcohols in 2Q/2019 has shown steady demand compared to 2Q/2018
Limited Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 1Q2019, palm oil production and crude palm oil (CPO) inventory have remained high in both
| 2 Executive Summary In 3Q/2019, overall palm oil production and crude palm oil (CPO) inventory remained high in both domestic and international market, thus crude palm oil (CPO) and crude palm kernel
). Total Gross Refinery Margin (Total GRM) rose 67% YoY and 26% QoQ, while Market GRM lowered from the decreasing production volume. Moreover, the average crude price adjusted upward in the quarter, leading
. Total GRM increased by 5% YoY and 17% QoQ from the improved Market GRM that rose due to significant increase of production after the turnaround maintenance (TAM) , combined with crude cost that benefited
market, where the oil business is in on a downward trajectory following slowing global economy due to the trade war between the US and China. The Dubai crude price in 2019 averaged at 63.51 $/BBL, a
ever-growing tumultuous intra-political environment has led to declines in its crude exports. Meanwhile, the OPEC members and partners colluding to continue to lower production. In May 2019, OPEC member
continuous decline in global HRC prices and concerns about the growing spread of global epidemic of COVID 2019 towards the end of 1st quarter of 2020. This also resulted resulting in slowing orders from