* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
The SEC Strategic Plan 2024–2026 prioritizes the strengthening of Thai capital market trust and highlighting the critical significance of investor confidence in cultivating a robust capital market that serves as a channel for fundraising of businesses and investment for investors. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve sustainable development, reduce inequalities. Recognizing the importance of complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to...
management based on the Company's financial statements for the 12 months ended December 31, 2018 NCL Group gained net profit of 3.16 million Baht or 0.26% of revenue from sales and services, increasing 141.53
transportation services. However, the company gained new customers to compensate the lack of revenue, causing revenue and gross profit in this period to be slightly higher than the same period last year. The
year (2012). Currently, the examinations of 22 audit firms have been completed where the outcome indicating that most of the firms attentively dedicated their resource to develop and improve their
sectors, which some part mainly comes from export and tourism sectors and internal expenditure rate has gradually expanded as well. These economic situations leaded to quarter 3/201 the Company gained
expenditure of governmental sector and consumer of private sector. Those economic conditions influence the previous Quarter / that the Group gained more revenue from product distribution and service business at
43.99 million which resulted in TUCC’s Baht 104.86 million loss in Q2/2011. Mr. Yongyuth also gained the benefit from his suggestion. He gained such material non-public information by virtue of his
43.99 million which resulted in TUCC’s Baht 104.86 million loss in Q2/2011. Mr. Yongyuth also gained the benefit from his suggestion. He gained such material non-public information by virtue of his
economic situations leaded to the Company gained revenue from sales and services for the year 2017 amounting to 459.26 MB. And it is expected that measurement to support the earners with lower income of the