the credit was not rated and found defects in consideration of important information or factors with respect to the issuer, and this affected its capability to repay the principal and pay interest
instruments of which the credit was not rated and found defects in consideration of important information or factors with respect to the issuer, and this affected its capability to repay the principal and
company did not use such information for the benefit of supervision to prevent misuse of inside information or commission of inappropriate and illegal actions by its employees. The aforesaid defects of AEC
inappropriate and illegal actions by its employees. The aforesaid defects of AEC work systems were in violation of Section 113 and the company was subject to the penalties under Section 282 of the SEA. As a
Company’s directors or executives; (2) defects of the Company’s internal control (if any), completion of amendment or incompletion and relevant clarification. 11.2 Describe the opinions of the Audit Committee
should be consistent with the rule of law, transparent and enforceable. If new laws and regulations are needed, such as to deal with clear cases of market imperfections, they should be designed in a way
, the mutual fund management company shall instruct the mutual fund supervisor to correct the defects in its qualifications within 15 days from the day the mutual fund management company becomes aware of
directors or executives; (2) defects of the Company’s internal control (if any), completion of amendment or incompletion and relevant clarification. 13.2 describe the opinions of the Audit Committee if
volume caused by unique factors, cyber threats, or any defects from technological connectivity and upgrades. Thai commercial banks have thus prioritized technological failure risk management at both the
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...