, which will lead to the improvement of the audit oversight in Thailand” SEC gives priority to audit quality which is an essential factor to raise the credibility of the financial
firms and the audit work quality of listed companies.Senior Assistant Secretary-General Prakid Punyashthiti said: ?The overall results of the second-cycle inspection show continued improvement in the work
Bangkok, 13 September 2016 - The SEC has imposed a two-year suspension of approval on {A}, Executive Chairman of {X1} Company Limited, for failing to supervise the Know Your Client/Client Due Diligence (KYC/CDD) as well as client activity oversight systems. Additionally, the SEC is in the process of submitting the? case for consideration of the Criminal Fining Committee.During a routine inspection of {X1} Company Limited, the SEC found deficiencies in the company's KYC/CDD system. Also its clien...
, increasingly emphasize the importance of audit quality factor in the selection of auditors. Qualitative information in the firm inspection report is thus very useful for the selection process. In addition, the
Type of securities : Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | Effective Date : 08/12/2014 | Close Selling Date : 00/00/0000
ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : ทรัสต์เพื่อการลงทุนในอสังหาริมทรัพย์ (REIT) | วันที่มีผลใช้บังคับ : 08/12/2557 | วันที่ปิดการขาย : 00/00/0000
. 2019 gross profit increased by THB 1,063 million (or +13.5% YoY) to THB 8,946 million. This showed continued improvement throughout the year since Q4’18 thanks to “Fit Fast Firm” project (efficiency
(efficiency improvement and cost saving program) that helped driving overall costs down. Gross profit increased by THB 315 million (or +16.8% YoY) to THB 2,191 million in Q3’19. “Fit Fast Firm” Project
robust Fit Fast Firm project (OSP’s cost saving program), which continued to drive further margin improvement through product formulation optimization, lower key raw material prices, higher supply chain
• Partner of Price Waterhouse World Firm • Secretariat and Member of various committees, Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Thailand • Member of the Education and Accounting Technology